Anniversary Celebration of the RED Studio

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 庆祝Red Studio一周年‧献上第一首英文歌处男作品
Anniversary Celebration



What a starry starry cold night. You gave me a big surprise, leaving me without saying a goodbye

I can hardly understand why. For years we have been alright. Tell me why, the vice the vice that made you change your soul & mind

I cannot lie I can't deny. You make me feel all time high. You are the soul of my life.

The sun may blind the moon may cry but there is never a time that I    feel  your love for me ever ever de-cline, Maybe I'm right until tonite that you looked so tight, so white that I realised your love had subsided, had subsided, and died..... (I realise, I realise, I realise....)


What a stupid stupid sad guy. Take so long to realise. Lasting love is so hard for you to find.

No matter how much you try. For love there is no second prize. Over time, the price the price you pay for love will be real high.

I am so tired I so decide. Love is like a white lie. Love is only part of life .

The sun will shine the moon will rise maybe this is about the  time for  me to  try pull you out of out of my mind, Let me empty my very inside -- feeling so right, so right that I realise my love has survived, has survived, not yet died.....


The sun will rise the moon will shine. There will be no more sigh, I believe my   love for life will never never sub-side. Maybe one more time another night with stars so shy, so bright that you realise my love will revive, will revive, back to life..... (I realise, I realise, I realise......)

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今年天气早暖,Y先生说三月份东京己有樱花﹔又哼起了"花瓣雨",是我最喜欢童安格的歌,细嚼歌词,又教我对"樱花雨"回味无窮!!只能在网上看SAKURA RAIN滿足一下自己!
你也可点击就可现场 LIVE 去到北海道五稜郭公国看樱花了!(夜晚就只得黑麻麻的一片) ....

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It's been quite a while that  I haven't visited Singapore.
It is, as before, a fine city: lots of trees & gardens,  nice people with mixed races and of course many fines for not doing the right things !
So happened I ran into this shop in China town, "Lim Chee Guen" , reminding me of the kid time when my Dad brought home its famous beef jerk and pork puff everytime he returned from Singapore. I used to like these foods so much that the image of the paper packing and its name are still so vivid in my memory.....
The streets here in China town, unlike the counterparts in other countries, are strikingly clean, with big trash buckets almost one in every 3 meters.....unbelievable !! 
Indeed, so lucky this time I met my old friend W, a friend I miss for over ten +  years. I visited her last time when she was newly married and now she is a mother of four kids!  But believe me she doen't even have the slightest change at all ! Amazing.....I told her that there is no need to refresh the image about her in my memory !  Her husband D,  still gets his charming smile hanging on the face so I guess they make a happy couple and a happy family. Envy....
Well, I shopped around a bit and to my surprise, I found my sampoo !! Crazy that those shops in Hong Kong told me it stopped production but here it is....from the Fifth Avenue of New York....though much pricy than before !
They have GST here so as a tourist, you can now get a S$2 refund at every $100 spending....
Still the weather is too hot for me, too much sweating....Guess I can only stand the hot sun for a season but not for the whole year round....
@ Skyview Lounge, Singapore Airport

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The Red Studio will be approaching her first anniversary towards the end of this month and I am preparing a new "creation"- a breakthrough to celebrate this time !! Watch out for it......
Today is the丌day : 3.14 !! So here is a test for your eye, if you can read the secret word in this picture, you will win a prize !!!
email me the answer....have fun

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"迎取"了我的"SMART 三奶"后,我一爬到她身上立刻开心非常,心情马上就不一样!
我在车头给她加了一个襯色的时鈡,突顯她是名门 SWATCH  的傑作,也让过路人知道时间...
车尾窗是我个人告示板:"PIG @" 是这一陣的主题,刚猪年嘛....
   My Notice Board: Valantine's Day...
车內装了最迷你的TV/ DVD和SD Player,频幕可旋转的....
还放了一个超迷你水杯、一头超肥的猪(check the picture above)、一枝超大的走珠笔一一那天在加油站拿出来给信用咭签名时,"吓"到那大姐哈哈大笑....
还有一天,一个过路小孩硬把牽着他手的爸爸拉停,"爸爸,你看----最新欵的士(出租车)呀!"....小孩给我车上的士"For Hire"的红旗迷惑了.....乐死我......
那天,iPOD 突然转出了赵传的一首歌"小孩",我是头一次聆,马上爱上了,迷住了......

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步出机场,cool air 刺骨的冷!但从机场路进市区路上,两旁却不停聆见鞭炮声音和升起色彩缤纷之烟花,十分热鬧和有春节 Feel...!司机告诉我今年首次允许在市区內放炮...

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Hugh Grant演这队过气乐队POP次主音角色简直发揮得淋漓尽致,英囯式的幽默和口音,令人回味!驚喜是他唱歌也不错,特別是"Don't Write Me Off" 十分贴题和悅耳!
據说戏中这队POP乐队就是当年红极一时之Duran Duran...儲物室內好像还有他们的一張"黑膠"唱片
P.S.刚刚发现把歌词 lyric file (格式是<songname>.lrc)下載到手机里,播<songname>.mp3时,歌词会跟音乐同步顯视出来,karaoke一样!Fun...

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这次两位条件相当,性格亦外向和積极,头一位很真诚强调"他会做好呢份工,不会令公司失望!"....另一位却表示"他会珍惜这机会,希望能在这公司創一番新事业,对公司有贡献!" 虽然他们的话可能都衹是準备好之对白,但我还是挑了后者。

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