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  • May 05 Sat 2007 10:32
  • Coffee

These days I am getting addicted to coffee.....particulalry when there are a lot of boring meetings !!

A cup of coffee is the drink that "wakes" me up everyday, and I am so used to it that I can hardly begin my day without it.....Actually, I enjoy the smell of a well-brewed coffee more than the taste. It is the smell that really stimulates the nerve ends to wake me up....

There are a lot of interesting things about coffee. I remember there is a Coffee Museum in Kobe of Japan. You can learn the a-z of coffee there. Check the web site of UCC coffee if you want to visit.

Do you know how to brew a really "smooth" cup of coffee?? Tip: add egg-white when you brew the coffee...

Do you know what we call those people who make good coffee?? The profession is called "Barista".....

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

哈哈,给我找到小孩抽的" CHILD SEVEN"替代 ....
包装真可与大人用的"MILD SEVEN"比拼!

出产商是Child Heaven....专门做巧克力的.......你要订告诉我!

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I found this in Kuming: the artist is an 80 years old man, I was told.
Tell me if you like it.....

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

好爽!好冰!好涼!(好凍!) But, you feel like a different being...脑袋好像轻了、松了!游不到五分钟,一股暖流流遍全身,好舒服的感觉!(其实水温祇有24.7度!)
泡在水里发呆,加一杯 ice lemon tea, 是我夏天最享受的節目!要请我在烈日下打高爾夫??あいガとラ!多谢了!

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Animation is always the thing I want to try...今天起对床灵感到!这套叫"猪变脸"!

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