
I just saw a good movie "Paris Je t'aime", a very special one put together by 20 directors.

Each director was invited to tell a story set in one of the city's neighbourhoods. The result is a kaleidoscope of stories about men & weman, joy, separation, unexpected strange encounters and most of all, about love.  The film shows a different Paris as you've never seen it before, with very original French humour. I was impressed by the people in the stories and the charms behind the screen about the city.

As the synopsis introduced:"In Paris, love is everywhere, in its bars and cafes, under the Eiffel Tower, even in the Metro that runs under its streets. In Paris Je t'aime, prepare to see the city in a way you've never before imagined."

It is Paris as seen through the eyes of some of the world's most acclaimed filmmakers, including the Coen Brothers, Gus Van Sant, Isabelle Coixet, Walter Salles, Alexander Payne and Sylvain Chomet, also featuring an incredible international cast, including Natalie Portman, Fanny Ardant, Elijah Wood, Nick Nolte, Juliette Binoche and Steve Buscemi.

I was most impressed by all the directors who protraited their love in such a skillful way for the world's most romantic city and I give this movie "three thumbs up" !


多位国际導演应邀拍攝《我愛巴黎》,並各自以巴黎的二十個地區作背景,編写和導演一部片長五分鐘的短片,藉此歌頌「浪漫」這個永遠受歡迎的主題。巴黎電影藝術有著悠久历史,但偏偏這次製作主要旨在展現這个城巿「今日」的面貌,而非緬懷過去;電影更希望成功擺脫巴黎固有的「明信片」形象,將一些從未在大銀幕上出現的小城大事,揭露人前。《我愛巴黎》介紹各種社会阶層、不同年纪、文化和生活環境的人。我深深被故事里的人物打动,更被传统的法式幽默所吸引!導演包括著名的奧利華阿薩耶斯,謝勒狄柏度等而演員有伊里斯麥康利, 史提夫布斯甘美, 卡塔蓮娜摩蓮奴等!

当然,最让我喝采的,是廿位導演之出色演譯: 他们共同对这座城市的<愛>!


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