
十四号晚,參加香港IT界一盛会,难得与曾特首同桌吃晚饭!这么大场面,皆因筹委主席是IT界年青才俊"小超人", 夠FACE!在座还有议员、局長、秘书長、CEO、CIO...还有I记、M记、HP、O记等等之巨头...好不热鬧!

与曾特首同枱,虽无机会发表我对他施政意见﹔但卻首次一"嘗"他幽默的丰采!真有点意外,外表拘谨的"煲呔"內里有极其风趣的一面!他这晚提出一个疑问﹕电脑究竟是男或是女?他的正反论据十分好笑和抵死,引来哄堂大笑和热烈掌声!有时间我会把这VIDEO上載RED VIDEO,供大家分享!不过大家不仿也发表下,和你天天在一起的电脑是男定是女?

Last Thursday, I had the luck and honour to dine with our Hong Kong Chief Executive Sir Donald Tsang at the same table ! It was the Gala Dinner of the Hong Kong ICT Sector and of course the hosting Chairperson was the youngest ICT "Big Shot” in town "the Little Superman”…. So the event attracted a crowd of CIOs of big corps, CEOs, MDs of major ICT vendors, Legco Councilor, Gov't Chief, Secretary etc. , so many that one realized instantly on the spot what “a small potato” felt like !!

It was also the very first time I had such close encounters with all these big guys; at least within a hand-shake and a toast away! Despite the close distance with the CE, I didn't have a chance to voice out my opinion about his way of governing. However, I did have a “taste” of his humor over the dinner, which was really something to my surprise (and everyone, I guess)! He talked about a subject that is rarely discussed: the "Gender of Computer", and it was so amusing that the audience in the hall responded with big laugh and applause. No one expected that kind of jokes from his serious look!!

Without his permission, I am working on putting this video of his talk in Red Video so that you can share the humorous side of our Chief Executive!! Watch out for this….


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