C传来一辑英国某D字头名牌安全套今年的广告,说一个都看不懂; 我看了觉得精采非常,十分含蓄而到肉,完全沒有任何性画面卻能表达绝对和性有关係的产品优点,很有上品广告的魅力,決定公诸于此,与大家分享一下!
如果要你加註脚, 你会在广告下加什么的解说呢??
This set of Ad. is from a famous British brand of condom products. If you were asked to add captions to them, what will you add?? Let's share the fun....

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(15) 人氣()

"意大利" 的名字里边原已隱藏有胜利的玄机!BUT,究竞是「意外的大胜利亅或是「意料的大胜利亅?我真分辨不了....你说呢?
Do you know the Chinese name of Italy "意大利" is encoded with a special meaning for this victory?
But, it could mean "Expected Big Victory" or "Unexpected Big Victory"!!! I don't know which one is right? Except that luck was definitely with Italy this time in the World Cup 2006!!

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  • Jul 11 Tue 2006 12:22
  • Why???

The world cup finally ended with Italy winning the champion and Zidane rocking everyone out of the chair!!
Why did Zidane head-but the Italian player near the end of the game?? A major mystery! I keep scratching my head about this , particularly in the very final of his heroic soccer career....

EPILOGUE: I suddenly realize that the mind and the body are two separated entities. The body will  listen  to  the  mind  at times but it is never controlled by it. The body is controlled instead by the soul, which  could be sometime, very irrational ..


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I flied out yesterday specifically to watch the two final games in the World Cup 2006 !!


The German, beer-toxicated with football fever for the whole summer, took great

 pride in the defeat of Portugal last night by 3-1....

Though the victory only took them to the third place, the German

Team was greeted as if they were the Champion!! To me, who predicted Germany in the final, this is the least consolation prize...

The weather in Berlin is mild today, 28 degree C but it is expected to have thunderstorm tonite!!  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed;  see if there will be any "spectacular" result that rocks everyone in the world out of the chair!!



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我介绍大家看的Oscar Best Film "Crash"(譯名﹕撞车)又得劇本界最高荣誉﹕人文!评審团讚许劇本「让人们反思一些有价值的问題....点出影响家庭的社会冋題」,更重要是「给予角色正面的出路亅。非常中肯的评价,这影片確是实至名归,从撞车的crash引出了不同的crash冲突,精采非常,4T 的rating,万万万匆錯过!

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Now I'm in Kimpinski Hotel, Beijing with my friends. Why? To show our support to Germany in their semi-final tonite!!
The lobby bar serves very special drinks"The World Cup Special Drinks"!! I like "Beckham Bends" the best! It comes , of course, with a taste of the real "banana".....
Still couple of days left, so if you miss Ronaldo, you can come and try the "Ronaldo Dribbles"!
P.S. I felt the earth @ BJ shaking for couple of seconds noon time...原来河北地区5.1级地震!

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结果世界大戰"爆泠",巴西和英格蘭双双被踢出局!英格蘭败北,人脚和运气都不济,球员教練都一脸无奈,更有暗自落淚,好不难过....这边廂巴西竞又历史重演,再败在法国脚下!整队巴西完全是两样,九十分鈡未有射一脚中龙门,Unbelievable!更讽刺的是队员輸了好像一早意料中事,"Let's go home.."就离场了?!半点难过也沒表现出来....擁護巴西的球迷都气炸了!
虽然沒去游行,我仍然支持基本法,支持快点落实双普選!因为基本法衹定deadline 是2047,好不遙远,希望政府中央能又"爆泠"(you never know!),否则恐怕还要继续给印尼女佣人齿笑呢.....

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上周末起,生活好像switch 去欧洲时间﹕夜晚生猛,白天死猪!连写BLOG 和回Mail 都没时间...沒法子,世界大戰进入十六强Knock Out !!输了就要go home, 好刺激!我也紧密盯住各队的实力,看看我決赛预言準不準!
英格蘭﹕头两分鈡不是厄瓜多爾射中楣已"拜拜"了!幸好"Lucky 7 "真有运气和功夫,一脚定江山....整队有点气力不继!
意大利﹕今天晚上最dramatic 的一胜,下半场全受控于澳洲,不是球证最后一分鈡给他们一点球,相信加时十人打不过澳洲!今非昔比...
瑞士和烏克蘭刚结束九十分鈡比賽,O比O,要 E. T. 了...
这样看来,我的Prediction 是经得起考验!我非常乐观...

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