今天我正式实现RoyCE Radio (RR)的Podcast 和网页上播出!好开心!
版面上多了一个Podcast下載的文档,直接放到 itunes的进階(A)订阅位置,你便可在 iPOD上听Red Studio Blog的"播客"试听版了!因是Beta版本,衹有英文,请见谅......
如沒 iPOD亦衹要按版面上即可立刻收听!试试!过瘾!
A new feature of RoyCE Radio (RR) is introduced today: Podcast of the Red Studio (beta)..Please feel free to click on the download and place it into your itunes.(ie. Advance/ Subscribe ) You can then listen to RR in your iPOD !! Or if you do not have iPOD, you may just click on the RR logo and listen to the radio right away...Try it...Fun...
**It's beta version so take it easy.... 

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This afternoon, I began to lose my concentration with my work as the time passed 5pm, because I was invited to a "Tuna Lioning Show" this evening!!
I like tuna sashimi very much but rarely had such a chance to see it served from the whole fish, with a weight of 42 kg. ! Tonite, this was performed by the famous Yamakage-style kitchen knife wielding master Chef Noka san.
"Fantastic! " was the only word I could use to describe what I saw and ate! For the very first time, "tantalizing" tuna sashimi and sushi fresh from the cut!
It was such a special eating experience that I really wish you were there ...

中国的庖丁出名解牛,而日本庖丁出名是解魚!这条重四十二公斤的吞拿魚,今晚由日本庖丁Noka san操刀,即场为食客们泡制鲜美的「即宰亅吞拿魚生和寿司,让我在品嘗美味魚生之余还享用了精采的解魚刀技表演!最难得是歺庁安排了即场解说,令我对日本食的文化又认识多一点。对上一次非常精采"食的经验"也是在日本料理,那是"生抓八爪魚"的live show...曰本厨师挑戰食客,谁能把玻璃缸內大八爪魚捉出来,可得免費赠食!男食客爭相掀起衣袖嘗试,結果??当然失败,而且全身给八爪魚拨到濕透,狼狈非常,十分富娛乐性!八爪牢牢的吸在玻璃缸里,厨师研究怎把牠捉出来呢?这里卖个关子,有机会你一定不可錯过!因为真是大开眼界!

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"天涯海角"又是何议员被毆后他swear to God的口号!无论天涯海角要缉兇歸案!捉到仍行,捉不到时这又成为被嘲之笑柄!
有时在想﹕如果沒有9和7,香港现在又会如何呢?...剩 8? 发?!

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今早又开学了!交通繁忙很多,电台忙于播放路況信息之余,发了一段消息﹕一个老爸,为了抗议孩子小学被"殺" (迫关)而政府又沒给小孩安排,今早決定帶小孩返原校址"上课",以示抗议!!
听到后,我呆了一陣,是2006年的Hong Kong呀!还有这种事情发生!当官的究竟放完暑假沒?难怪九七后,大家对政府怨气这么重......

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This is a "see-through" glass structure which virtually holds you in the middle of the air and let you enjoy the most breath-taking view of the Canyan. It looks scarely though, over 1200 meters depth...The project costs US$30 million and is due to open by January 2007.

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从这玻璃天桥往下望,大峽谷风景一定好壯观和令你心也跳出来!! 別以为开玩笑,相信很多人都踏不出这条天桥,因为脚真会发軟....


This is the new glass walkway built in Grand Canyan...It is such a magnificent structure that offers the best viewing pleasure in the canyan - my next target to visit in the States ! Would you like to come along?

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窦唯在烧车事件后说:" 我的心理和现实总有落差,小时想成名时沒成,等我不想时却成了...." 結果无所适从,心理极不平衡....
古语不是有云:"有心栽花花不成,无心插柳柳成荫" ! 更有"欲速不达""阴差阳错""塞翁失马"也是类似的比喻。
There are a lot of encounters in life that are against our human will. Guess you too have such experience: the more you desire for something, the more you are being deprieved of... and the least expected always turns up out of the blue, and out of your imagination!! I can actually quote thousands of such happenings...
In chinese, we have this saying to explain this:"The Haeven Makes a Fool of Human Being"...You get to realize this important rule to work your way in your life: to take it lightly in respect to what you want and desire; to be satisfied in respect to what you have been bestowed. After all, "The Easy-Satisfied Man is Also the Happiest", another old chinese saying goes...

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Do you know which country's capital name is the "longest" ? (Tip: the most in term of number of alphabets !)
Do you know which English word is the "longest" ?  (Tip: the distance between the first and the last alphabet is the longest!! And so happens the first and the last aphabet are the same, "S" ...)
 A Prize for The First One Who Gets The Right Answer ....
@ Beijing Crown Plaza

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半丁,你才是真正的好汉!! 我向你敬礼!

He was handicapped in a traffic accident, losing his both legs. But his mind made no compromise and he proved to the world that he is as strong as the "Real Man"- by climbing the Great Wall with his hands and iron clubs....

He proudly proclaimed, "I can do it , you can do it too !!" I was absolutely speechless in front of the TV to see how he climbed up the Wall....

My salute to this real man !! By the way, his chinese name "半丁" literally means "Half Man".....


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