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这是FIRST CUT,而且暂时收錄歌曲不多,所以未能公开"发售",请大家见谅!
不过今天刚是中囯六一儿童节,亦是我这NEW BABY 之誔生,非常高兴呢!!

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Anniversary Celebration of the RED Studio


放不开 (国语)
夜深独自站在阳台 数不尽的徘 徊  没想到对你还不能释 怀
这个结局可否修改  让你 从头再回 来  我願意为你 为你 補偿所有的伤 害
我想清楚 我才明白 我的爱你 人不在 却是我真正 主 宰
没有你在 人 活 着却像死去的心态 我 天天喝 醉也都不开怀
我放不开 每天 在发呆 让你受到情感 伤 害
让你 离 开 是我 不该 是不该 是不该 是悲哀
(放不开 想不开 放不开 想不开)
夜深独自站在阳台 数不尽的徘 徊 没想到对你还不能释 怀
这个结局可否修改 让你 从头再回 来  我願意 为你 为你 補偿所有的伤 害
我想清楚 我才明白 我的爱你 人不在 却是我真正 主 宰
没有你在 人 活 着却像死去的心态 我 天天喝 醉也都不开怀
我放不开 每天 在发呆 让我嘗受这种 失 败
让我 痛 苦 也是 活该 是活该 是活该 是无奈
放不开就放不开 我心还在 不管 有没有 未來 到 底你
明不明白 我心 还 在
不 能 隐埋 对你 无尽无尽的 真 爱
我願 翻 山 我願 越 海
为了爱 为了爱  你回來
(放不开 放不开 放不开 我心还在)

     Turn Off Window Media Player to play music

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

 庆祝Red Studio一周年‧献上第一首英文歌处男作品
Anniversary Celebration



What a starry starry cold night. You gave me a big surprise, leaving me without saying a goodbye

I can hardly understand why. For years we have been alright. Tell me why, the vice the vice that made you change your soul & mind

I cannot lie I can't deny. You make me feel all time high. You are the soul of my life.

The sun may blind the moon may cry but there is never a time that I    feel  your love for me ever ever de-cline, Maybe I'm right until tonite that you looked so tight, so white that I realised your love had subsided, had subsided, and died..... (I realise, I realise, I realise....)


What a stupid stupid sad guy. Take so long to realise. Lasting love is so hard for you to find.

No matter how much you try. For love there is no second prize. Over time, the price the price you pay for love will be real high.

I am so tired I so decide. Love is like a white lie. Love is only part of life .

The sun will shine the moon will rise maybe this is about the  time for  me to  try pull you out of out of my mind, Let me empty my very inside -- feeling so right, so right that I realise my love has survived, has survived, not yet died.....


The sun will rise the moon will shine. There will be no more sigh, I believe my   love for life will never never sub-side. Maybe one more time another night with stars so shy, so bright that you realise my love will revive, will revive, back to life..... (I realise, I realise, I realise......)

     Turn Off Window Media Player to play music

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The Red Studio will be approaching her first anniversary towards the end of this month and I am preparing a new "creation"- a breakthrough to celebrate this time !! Watch out for it......
Today is the丌day : 3.14 !! So here is a test for your eye, if you can read the secret word in this picture, you will win a prize !!!
email me the answer....have fun

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(V) "The End of a Free World"
Porky's Day Series: the women unconsciously lock up the men's soul, not allowing even a peep of the outside world...

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(IV) "Who Shares with Me?"
Porky's Day Series: the women perfer the men to stay home at the weekend to share her homework,but men do not enjoy such sharing...

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(III) "Different Tastes"
Porky's Day Series: the men need meat to feed but women need a diet to keep fit...

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(II) "Better Sleep than Live"
Porky's Day Series: the men are tired of the murmur of women at awake so always pretend to rest --- sleep.....

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(I) "Basic Difference"
Porky's Day series: Man and women fall in love with each other easily, but when men and women try to get along, they find it so difficult to live together...... 

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Melody is playing in the background....

I.  一声不吭 你离去 沒有留下半点痕跡  只剩我 一个人 呆在这 空屋里  不接受 这个結局 我真的生气  你让我掉 进人生谷底

曾以为 你说过 一生一世 和我 永在一起 我也诺 此生此世 只会有你   造梦 沒想到 你醒来 什么也不理   过去的回忆 现在你就此放棄

是否拥有之后就会失去 是否悲欢离合就是天意  沒想到 我的努力 去讨你欢心 換来却 只是无尽嘆息

是否快乐之后只剩孤寂 是否这样就是爱的真缔  我明白 你的离去 己是不能挽回 不能再挽回 徹底的失去

II.  二话不说 你离去 沒有留下一个信息  只剩我 一个人 躺在这 空屋里  明知道 不能挽回 我再不生气  只怪自己 无法留住你

曾以为 你说过 一生一世 和我 永在一起 我也诺 此生此世 只会有你  造梦 沒想到 你醒来什么也不理  过去的回忆 现在你就此放棄

是否拥有之后就会失去 是否悲欢离合就是天意  沒想到 我的努力 去讨你欢心 換来却 只是无尽嘆息

是否快乐之后只剩孤寂 是否这样就是爱的真缔  这一切 对我来说 己经沒有意义 已是没意义 沒意义的遊戲

III. 我已不在乎你 不想你 不再 为你 着迷  就算你再回头 说对不起 我都好介意

不再计较拥有和失去 不再理会离合是否天意  失去你也是运气 我安慰自己 时时刻刻为自己打气

不再计较拥有和失去 失去才会明白拥有要珍惜  就算沒有了你 不害怕孤寂 我会更加的 更加的努力

那怕失去了你 我会更有勇气 愛護自己 活得比你 神气

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

我这手表的设计名字是"用心一点"﹕四个心的图案,分別代表3,6,9,12 →每天重要之时刻,希望提醒我至少每天都在这时刻"用心一点"!

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

Finally, I got my own watch with my design! I choose the black & white pattern of my design in a steel casing, blending the softness of the hearts with the boldness of the stainless steel. What do you think?

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其实,我卻觉得董先生是"实至名归"!这事正好勾起了我来数数What he has done to Hong Kong 和他回归后七年对社会帶来之impacts﹕
八万伍、负资产、数码港、港大民调、七一大游行、廿三条、淘大花园、仙股风波、领汇风波、财爺买车、问责部長、中薬港、停售居屋、SARS 自己查自己、红山事件、西九单標、、、、等等
那个时候连的士司机都叫他什么都不做﹕"Don't"!因为他做什么都不对,宁願他什么都不做!"董先生"的英文原来是Mr Don't 才真!!
所以这次"科技"大学是真的"錦上添花"to name him "Doctor Don't"?抑是有心讽刺呢?!

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这是我最新无聊的设计!在有空暇的时候,我喜欢拿纸笔胡乱的画,把脑袋里的影像 download 下萊!这是四颗心加工变成图案作品.....

然后又加工变成了产品.....我自己设计的第一隻手表!!品牌当然是 Red Studio....你喜欢吗?

This is my latest "Creation"- my very first watch!...At my leisure, I always have my pen and paper ready to "download" whatever image or pattern coming to my mind. This design is based on the lines of four hearts and it is refined to become the dial of my watch...the brand is of course " Red Studio" !

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世界杯如果可能的话, 请给中国一个安慰獎!
A Consolation Prize for China in the World Cup ...


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This was drawn 15/05/2005...at a rainy night....
It was almost >25 years since my last painting....

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