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This is the craziest golf I'd ever seen !! The tee is on the edge of a cliff way above the green....you need to have the gut to play this hole, and to swing very carefully without tipping....!
More, you will need to pay for a helicopter to take you to the top of the cliff ...no kidding.....
Can you guess the height of the cliff ? It is a PAR 3 hole !

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2008 年实現去"鳥巢"看奧运,2009年要去"国家大剧院"---"鳥旦" !!!
一直都定不到票,终于忍无可忍→決定去门口找"倒票" .....
终于圆梦了!"鳥旦"里挺大,OPERA HOUSE 建在正中央,三層坐席﹔音响顶瓜瓜,最捧还有中英文字幕机,令我这个听不明半句京剧的"香港仔",首次看京剧也看得津津樂道,丝亳没有半途想逃之意慾!!也许亦因剧目是"赤璧"---- 一个熟悉的历史故事!
我坐在M層池座七排的VIP座席→一千元的票价,我才花三百五十元 "倒" 到,还能有何怨言呢??沒想到这么平宜便可圆梦!! 一个大惊喜!!哈哈...
下一个 TARGET,你猜是什么吗??

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小弄里有好多特色得意小店和OPEN CAFE,非常歐洲 FEEL....

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这不单是我第一次去北大!而旦还有机会"圆梦 ": 一嘗北大生活的滋味....
北大果然是 BIG SCHOOL(大学也)!这座有过百年历史的大学,以人文科孛及独立思考和开放享负盛名。滿地之黄葉、古老之建築、加上不少外籍学生,单车是比港大多一些,但感觉十分熟识,和以前大学感觉完全一样!我以前最喜爱在课堂中间,跑到 CO-OPT的小卖部,买杯咖啡、吃个热杯面,和三数冈学"FUZZY" (闲聊)...这里也有!而且还可在玻璃房里享受阳光,VERY WARM FEELING,而且十分写意.......
外面是几度的寒冬,课室內大伙和老師却讨论得热烈非常!要讚是老師都準备充足,十分努力去满足我们!更重要是他们的观点不单十分中肯,而且还十分开放和大胆,A BIG SURPRISE TO ME !令我亲身感受到真正"北大精神"....
A Sketch: Peking University

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"The Egg" is going to be another landmark of Beijing. It is designed by the famous french architect Andrew who built the Charles DG Airport .
Situated next to the People's Hall near Tien An Mum Square, "The Egg" is actually the largest national theater. It is due to open in September this year.

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I promised to my friend to introduce this great landmark of the world--"The Bird Nest ", the Olympic Games Stadium in Beijing !!
It is a real "wonder" of architecture, thanks to the two great architects from Swiss and German....It has not one single pillar inside and can house 100,000 people...
This unique "Bird Nest" will certainly catch the eyes of the whole world and it is going to be the most talked-about design in the 2008 Olympic Games...
A must for you to take a glimpse of it next time when you visit Beijing....

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你猜出这在什么囯家吗? Where is this? Can you guess?

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今年天气早暖,Y先生说三月份东京己有樱花﹔又哼起了"花瓣雨",是我最喜欢童安格的歌,细嚼歌词,又教我对"樱花雨"回味无窮!!只能在网上看SAKURA RAIN滿足一下自己!
你也可点击就可现场 LIVE 去到北海道五稜郭公国看樱花了!(夜晚就只得黑麻麻的一片) ....

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It's been quite a while that  I haven't visited Singapore.
It is, as before, a fine city: lots of trees & gardens,  nice people with mixed races and of course many fines for not doing the right things !
So happened I ran into this shop in China town, "Lim Chee Guen" , reminding me of the kid time when my Dad brought home its famous beef jerk and pork puff everytime he returned from Singapore. I used to like these foods so much that the image of the paper packing and its name are still so vivid in my memory.....
The streets here in China town, unlike the counterparts in other countries, are strikingly clean, with big trash buckets almost one in every 3 meters.....unbelievable !! 
Indeed, so lucky this time I met my old friend W, a friend I miss for over ten +  years. I visited her last time when she was newly married and now she is a mother of four kids!  But believe me she doen't even have the slightest change at all ! Amazing.....I told her that there is no need to refresh the image about her in my memory !  Her husband D,  still gets his charming smile hanging on the face so I guess they make a happy couple and a happy family. Envy....
Well, I shopped around a bit and to my surprise, I found my sampoo !! Crazy that those shops in Hong Kong told me it stopped production but here it is....from the Fifth Avenue of New York....though much pricy than before !
They have GST here so as a tourist, you can now get a S$2 refund at every $100 spending....
Still the weather is too hot for me, too much sweating....Guess I can only stand the hot sun for a season but not for the whole year round....
@ Skyview Lounge, Singapore Airport

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步出机场,cool air 刺骨的冷!但从机场路进市区路上,两旁却不停聆见鞭炮声音和升起色彩缤纷之烟花,十分热鬧和有春节 Feel...!司机告诉我今年首次允许在市区內放炮...

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I enjoy chinese noodle very much but it is the first time I ever had such a bowl of noodle made up of a single thread of noodle ! My friend in Beijing brought me to this shop by the name "Noodle Loft". It is a noodle bar setting with open kitchen and you can actually enjoy the performance of the cooks in preparing, stretching and cooking the noodle for you. 
I ordered this famous no kidding "One Strand Green Noodle". The cooks first prepared the flour. The raw material is actually spinach and so the noodle made is rather nutritious. They then stretched the flour into thin thread of noodle; and the most spectacular view was when they literally "threw" this long thread of noodle into the cook pot, unbroken ! After a few minutes of cooking, here came my bowl of noodle !
The steaming noodle was served with meat source on the side so it was very delicious...To eat it properly, the first challenge is to find the "ends" of the noodle. Then you have to "stream" the noodle carefully into your mouth so that it will not be broken. My friend told me, if you manage to empty the bowl without breaking this single thread of noodle, it will bring you the luck of longevity. And this actually becomes a very popular ritual for the birthday celebration.
It took me quite a while to locate the "ends" to start eating. The noodle was so long that I almost had to stand up to pull it out of the bowl! Despite my careful sucking of the noodle into my mouth, I failed to "stream" the thread in complete. It was quite an exhaustive eating experiencce as you do not have much time to breathe with the noodle inside your mouth. Luckily it was not my birthday !! 

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Space Mountain, 巡游和烟花倒还不错,刚又碰上Xmas tree亮灯和降雪,令晚上的乐园很有 dreamland 梦幻的气氛.....而且很漂亮!所以特別把Red Studio之版面也換上迪士尼这迷人烟花夜景,陪襯聖诞节日之来臨!

这里和你分享几个我拍之有趣snapshots... 还有很多在photo album 里!






"烟花: 最美的一幕,童话的终结..."

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I left out to mention this about Macau. Don't forget to make a world record by taking the Sky Jump at the Macau Tower. You will get this certificate issued by the Guinness World Records !!! Worthing trying, isn't it ?

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收到 P短讯,问我介绍Hong Kong的英囯特式邮桶是怎样?何处可找得到?
这个Mailbox就是: 红色的,有个女皇冠头和EIIR字样(伊利沙伯女皇二世朝代)!比现代的任何邮箱威严漂亮得多了!

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香江又多了两个新景点!值得大家去TAKE A LOOK...
山顶淩霄阁加高一百呎,創造了一个"山顶之巅"的新SPACE: 一所提供"WIDE SCREEN HD 180度 WIDE ANGLE"的真实夜景歺庁,美得令人眩目的夜景+美食,再 + 美酒 + 一个美人!你能錯过吗?
还有,我的美国朋友在山顶开了一间叫"BUPPA GUMP"的炸蝦歺庁,大家去找一找,记得捧捧场!


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3. 看明星:最好地方是早上跑马地祥記茶歺庁; 下午四五点去尖沙咀半島酒店大堂茶座;晚上去蘭桂坊!碰碰运气趁趁热鬧!



6.去平民夜总会: 听怀旧歌,在油麻地公众四方亍对面!廿三十元消费但好有气氛!




10.鸭寮亍: 坐地铁去深水埗,是买手机电子产品的好地方,要讲价...

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This is a "see-through" glass structure which virtually holds you in the middle of the air and let you enjoy the most breath-taking view of the Canyan. It looks scarely though, over 1200 meters depth...The project costs US$30 million and is due to open by January 2007.

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从这玻璃天桥往下望,大峽谷风景一定好壯观和令你心也跳出来!! 別以为开玩笑,相信很多人都踏不出这条天桥,因为脚真会发軟....


This is the new glass walkway built in Grand Canyan...It is such a magnificent structure that offers the best viewing pleasure in the canyan - my next target to visit in the States ! Would you like to come along?

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