This afternoon, I began to lose my concentration with my work as the time passed 5pm, because I was invited to a "Tuna Lioning Show" this evening!!
I like tuna sashimi very much but rarely had such a chance to see it served from the whole fish, with a weight of 42 kg. ! Tonite, this was performed by the famous Yamakage-style kitchen knife wielding master Chef Noka san.
"Fantastic! " was the only word I could use to describe what I saw and ate! For the very first time, "tantalizing" tuna sashimi and sushi fresh from the cut!
It was such a special eating experience that I really wish you were there ...

中国的庖丁出名解牛,而日本庖丁出名是解魚!这条重四十二公斤的吞拿魚,今晚由日本庖丁Noka san操刀,即场为食客们泡制鲜美的「即宰亅吞拿魚生和寿司,让我在品嘗美味魚生之余还享用了精采的解魚刀技表演!最难得是歺庁安排了即场解说,令我对日本食的文化又认识多一点。对上一次非常精采"食的经验"也是在日本料理,那是"生抓八爪魚"的live show...曰本厨师挑戰食客,谁能把玻璃缸內大八爪魚捉出来,可得免費赠食!男食客爭相掀起衣袖嘗试,結果??当然失败,而且全身给八爪魚拨到濕透,狼狈非常,十分富娛乐性!八爪牢牢的吸在玻璃缸里,厨师研究怎把牠捉出来呢?这里卖个关子,有机会你一定不可錯过!因为真是大开眼界!


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