目前分類:Radio (3)

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今天我正式实现RoyCE Radio (RR)的Podcast 和网页上播出!好开心!
版面上多了一个Podcast下載的文档,直接放到 itunes的进階(A)订阅位置,你便可在 iPOD上听Red Studio Blog的"播客"试听版了!因是Beta版本,衹有英文,请见谅......
如沒 iPOD亦衹要按版面上即可立刻收听!试试!过瘾!
A new feature of RoyCE Radio (RR) is introduced today: Podcast of the Red Studio (beta)..Please feel free to click on the download and place it into your itunes.(ie. Advance/ Subscribe ) You can then listen to RR in your iPOD !! Or if you do not have iPOD, you may just click on the RR logo and listen to the radio right away...Try it...Fun...
**It's beta version so take it easy.... 

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

亚Y 问 RoyCE Radio 里的CE何解?

当然不是Chief Executive!也非电器的CE 嘜!

而是Chinese/ English 的双语广播!NICAM嘛...

也是全球唯一电台用百份百純中国人讲的英语,即Chinese English !!所以用CE標记!


还有,Royce亦是Roy's 同音....

Roy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

今天我开通了RoyCE Radio (RR)!一个多媒体的播客空间宇宙!版面上多了一个新標记,开張大吉!掛了个必看之錄像!大家不仿上去peep一下!**Beta版本,请见谅......
后记﹔首个video已荣登iNet Radio"精采視频"之榜首介紹!!好开心呢!
A new multimedia space is up & running today: RoyCE Radio (RR)...Please feel free to click on the new logo and take a peep. The first video is a very funny one, must see..
**It's beta version so take it easy.... 

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