• Sep 13 Thu 2007 01:51
  • 灯谜

1. 向左走、向右走,一样那么开心!
2. 24小时,不分晝夜
猜一字, 最先猜中有!

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                                       最后冲刺: 北京正为筹办奧运爭分夺秒!

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****** Please Turn Off The Media Player BEFORE You Play This MTV********

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 Red Studio 通知大家:
今晚有罕见月全蚀--"红月",实是奇观,不容错过呢 !!

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 I went to Harbour City for dinner and when I walked by a shop, I was stunned to find "Graffiti Fashion" on the walls and displays --- Vivienne Westwood from London !! She is actually a step ahead of me...
So chic the stuff are....
I promised myself that I would at least get a tie from her......

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The Latin word Graffiti is plural for graffito, stemming from the Greek graphien - to write. Today, graffiti is associated with the New York Hip Hop style which evolved from rap music in the late 1960s/early 1970s, when a new style of art was born. New Yorker, Keith Haring began placing posters with his unusual characters in public places, then began drawing directly on subway walls. A delivery messenger, Demetrius, also started writing "Taki 183" throughout the city and he and Haring soon became famous. Scores of others followed suit as graffiti made the headlines. Public interest soon waned until the mid-1980s, when a TV programme on graffiti started a global trend.
At first pens and markers were used but quick and convenient spray paint soon took over. Spray nozzles were often replaced by other aerosol nozzles, to provide a finer or thicker jet of paint and give the "writer" better control.
Graffiti was soon banned. Laws vary, but it is generally illegal everywhere. Some places provide walls where "writers" can work legally. However space is limited and works are constantly being replaced, much to the dismay of the better artists.

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For years, I have been longing to add some life and colours on my garden wall....
And I always wish to have " graffiti" on the wall ! I admire such "street art"  a lot but it was difficult to track the painters down, as they come and go like "spiderman" to avoid being arrested.
Finally -皇天不负有心人! I located a team of "artists" who do "graffitti" !!! And they agree to do it for me !!開懷大笑
I don't care too much about the draw but I do raise a request...can you guess what it is ???

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 科技进步,现在每天你可和我一起兜风去 :遊车河! (广东話也)
无论你想去香港什么地方,我都可帶你去看看呀!"依猫" 我就行....

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 星期天的早上,睡梦里收到C的电话-----你的M 6 号码又跑出了,你中了吗??

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